Character: 面 (miàn) face

面 (miàn) means face, the character is visualized as as an eyebrow and an eye

A person’s face

Pinyin miàn
Meaning face; side; aspect; noodles; flour
Radical 繁體字 面/麵
Chinese character pictographcategory: pictograph

Chinese character single structurestructure: single

9stroke count


Stroke order of the Chinese character 面 (miàn) face. There are 9 strokes, and the character is written first with the outside cover, then the content inside, and the bottom stroke last

面 (miàn) is a pictograph of a face. It originally meant “face” and later took on the meaning “side.” Today, it can also be used as a rebus character for “flour” and “noodles.”

Used as a component

面 (miàn) “face” does not form any commonly used character in simplified Chinese.

Used as a morpheme/word

How to pronounce

This character sounds like “me end” pronounced in one syllable but without the d at the end.

4th Pinyin Yale IPA
Initial m- m [m]
Final -ian yan [ɪɛn]

Chinese character practice sheet